What Sets Superstar Talent Apart From ‘Good’ Talent

In the competitive sales and marketing sector of payment systems and retail technology, having talent who are pretty good at their jobs is great. But having superstar talent is what truly gives an organization a competitive edge. So, just what sets A-players apart and how can you recognize A-players when you see them?

Superstar Talent Is Committed to Continuing Education

Payment systems and retail technology are FinTech industries that change rapidly thanks to both innovation and ever-evolving regulatory burdens. Without a deep understanding of the current landscape and an eye on what’s coming down the pike, it is impossible to remain competitive. Good employees know what’s going on, but superstars are committed to staying informed and regularly designate time to educate themselves on the state of the market.

When evaluating candidates, be sure to focus on understanding the ways they work to stay ahead of trends, and ask questions directly related to current “hot topics” in areas like compliance, legislation and technology innovations.

A-Players Embrace Change

The Harvard Business Review (HBR) ranks the ability to embrace change as one of the most important behaviors that define A-players. Rapid change is inevitable in retail payment systems and technology; and the ability to roll with those changes, adjust approaches and innovate solutions sets superstars apart.

Good employees can freeze up in the face of change thanks to the natural tendency to resist things that go against the “norm.” Superstars not only understand the inevitability of change, they embrace it and see it as a new challenge.

A variety of strategic situational and behavioral questions can help hiring managers parse out candidates’ feelings about change. Look for signs that a candidate is able to assess a new situation and adjust their approach without becoming overwhelmed.

Superstars Set (And Achieve) Challenging Goals

HBR also ranks setting stretch goals as one of the top traits of superstar contributors. A stretch goal is simply a goal that goes beyond what others thought were possible.

Average performers tend to sandbag work. According to HBR, they believe that a consequence of getting work done quickly is even more work. Conversely, superstars push themselves to their limits and regularly strive to “outdo” their last success.

Talk to every candidate about their goals. How do they set goals? What approach do they take to achieve them? What do they do immediately after they’ve achieved a goal? Look for signs that the candidate is always pushing, stretching and reaching to do and become more.

Are You Looking for Superstar Talent?

Separating “great” talent from “good” talent is critical for success, but it takes an expert. Internal search teams can take years to develop strategies to uncover sales and marketing superstars. You can instantly connect to superstars who are well-suited for your FinTech or payment services company by working with the recruiting experts at MoneyTech Search. Contact us today to learn how we can shorten your search time, improve the quality of new hires and help you achieve your goals.